Laser-Like Lipo with Zero Drugs, Zero Surgery, Zero Pain

Laser-Like Lipo

The Laser-Like Lipo was designed to specially address spot fat reduction (or inch loss) and body contouring. Administered in relaxing 7-30 minute sessions, the Laser-Like Lipo provides inch loss, but without the surgery, the pain, or the extensive recovery time. By directly targeting adipose cells (or fat cells) the Laser-Like Lipo offers a safe and effective spot fat reduction solution that can be applied to multiple problem areas including:
  • Waistline
  • Mid & Lower Abdomen
  • Upper, Mid & Lower Back
  • Buttocks & thigh Areas
  • Arms & Underarms
The Laser-Like Lipo is a 100% Non_invasive, laser-based, spot fat reduction and body contouring system. Offering the relaxation of a 40-minute massage with the benefit of inch loss!

Rather than a painful incision, the Laser-Like Lipo uses laser energy to safely (and painlessly) penetrate the skin and target specific adipose (or fat) cells. It is through this targeted process that the Laser-Like Lipo is able to in fact stimulate the call itself into releasing water, free fatty acids, and glycerol. Having released these three compounds, water, free fatty acids, and glycerol (often referred to as Triglycerides), the fat cells "shrink" significantly, resulting in inch loss for patients!

Whole Body Vibration


The first applications of vibration for the improvement of human performance were developed in ancient Greece.
As a therapy, the whole body vibration (sometimes abbreviated as WBC) was explored by Russian Scientists who tested vibration on astronauts in an effort to decrease the loss of muscle nad bone mass in space.
Recently whole body vibration platform have been popularized and in hime gyms as one of the hotest new trends in exercise.

Because more muscle fibers (also known as motor units) are activated under the influence of vibration than in norma, conscious muscle contractions the muscles are incited more efficiently (Paradisis & Zacharogiannis_2007 [11]; Lamont et al. 2006 [12]; Cormie et al 2006 [13];_Bosco et al. 1999 [9], 2000 [14]; Rittweger 2001 [15], 2002 [16]; Abercromby et al. 2005 [17]; Amoette et al. 2005 [18]). The immediate effect of WBV s therefore that the muscles can be used quickly and effciently, rendering then capable of producing more force. Howevr, this process will only be effective if the stimulus is not too intense and does not last too long, because otherwise performance will diminish due to fatigue.

We use the best Whole Body Vibration unit money can buy
See the independent test results below

Click to enlarge

Another immediate effect of WBV is an improvement of circulation. The rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles at 20 to 50 times per second basically works as a pump on the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, increasing the speed of the blood flow through the body (Kerschan-SCHINDL ET AL 2001 [19]; lOHMAN ET AL.2007 [20]). subjects often experinec this as a tingling, Prickling, warm sensation in the skin. Both Stewart (2005 [21]) and Oliveri (1989 [22]) describe the appearance of vasodilatation (widening of the blood vessels) as s result of vibration.

Long term effects of WBV In order to have any effects on the body term it is vital that the body systems experience fatigue or some sort of light stress. As in other kinds of training, when the body is overloaded repeatedly and regularly, the principle of supercompensation will occur. This princple is the cause of the body adapting to loading. In other words: performance will increase.

Another important difference between conventional training methods and WBV is theat there is only a minimum of loading. No additional weights are neceesary, which ensures that there is very liitle loading to the passive structures such as bones, ligaments and joints. That is why WBV is extremely suited to people that are difficult to train due to old age, disease, disorders, weight or injury. Onthe other hand, it is also very suitable for professional athletes who want to stimulate and strengthen their muscles without overloading joints and the rest of the physical system (Cochrane et al 2005 [26]; Mahieu et al 2006 [27]).

Whole body vibration training is an excellent adjunct to the Laser-Like Lipo treatments and can help accelerate the results of any treatment.

Nutritional Counseling

There are so many different books, thoughts, opinions, studies, etc out there, about eating healthy.

We understand that everyone is different.

So what we do is help you find out what food is best for you.
Not only for losing weight, but for being healthy as well.
Below are examples of what we help you with.

You might ask yourself things like:

Should I be a carnivore, omnivore, vegetarian or perhaps even a vegan (no animal products what so ever)--no eggs, cheese, no cod liver oil.

Should we eat a High carbohydrate-low fat diet (govrn.'s food pyramid). Or should we eat a high protein--low carbohydrate diet (Atkins) or maybe the Zone diet (Barry Sears) suggesting that the way to go is by eating 40% carbs, 30% prot, 30% fat.

What about specific food products?
What is best--butter or margarine, is chocolate good now, I hear it has antioxidants?,
what about eggs? (egg white, eggbeaters, or can we actually eat the whole thing).

The best book that sums all this up is:
The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott

The Summary of the book is:

We mainly fall in three different categories in terms of our metabolism.
  • The Carb type
  • Protein type and
  • Mixed type and that the proportion of carbohydrate
Producers of skin care products figured this out long time ago--different lotion for dry, oily and normal skin.

Determining your dominant Metabolic Type Questions

These Questions are ranked in order of importance, with the most emphasis being put on how coffee, particularity caffeine, reacts with your system.

1. Coffee - caffeineated
A. I do well on coffee (as long as I don't drink to much)
B. I can take it or leave it.
C. I don't do well with coffee. It makes me jittery, jumpy, nervous, hyper, nauseated, shaky, or hungry.

2. Appetite - My appetite is usually
A. Low, weak, or lacking. I can go a long time with out eating and not even notice.
B. Normal. Don't notice it being either strong or weak.
C. Noticeably strong or above average

3. Meal portions
A. I don't eat that much. Definitely less than average. Doesn't take much to get me full.
B. I don't seem to eat more or less than other people.
C. I generally eat large portions of food, usually more than most people.

4. Weight Gain
A. Meats and fatty foods cause me to gain weight.
B. No particular foods seem to cause me to gain weight, but I'll gain weight if I eat too much and don't get enough exercise
C. I tend to gain weight eating too many carbs.

5. Weather
A. I do best in warm or hot weather, can't take the cold
B. Temperature doesn't matter that much. I do pretty well whether it's hot or cold.
C. I do best in cool or cold temperatures. Can't take the heat.

A = Carb Type
B = Mixed Type
C = Protein Type

There are actually 65 questions that can sometimes more precisely help determine your major type. These 5 questions printed above usually do a good job making it clear what type you are. But if there is still confusion as to the type you are, the other 60 questions might be of help. The questions are found in the book, The Metabolic Typing Diet by William L. Wolcott.

  • Protein type: 40% protein, 30% fat, 30% carb.
  • Carbo type: 25% proteins, 15% fats, 60% carbs
  • Mixed type: 30% proteins, 20% fats, 50% carbs
Other questions to ask:
  • Do you feel full, satisfied or feel physically full, but still hungry?
  • Do you get hungry soon after eating?
  • Is your energy restored after eating or do you feel hyper or do you have too little energy?
  • Do you crave sweets?
Answers to these questions could be clues to whether your fuel mix (the proportion of carb/protein/fats) is right. You can experiment a little.

Begin listening to your body
The easiest way is keep a food journal of everything you put in your mouth, and how you feel - this should be done a few times each day for at least a week.

Signs that food may not be right for you:
  • Constipation, bloating, excessive gas, diarrhea, uncomfortable full/heaviness, lots of burping....
  • It is so crucial for health that our digestive system functions well--estimated 60% of our immune system is directly tied to the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergies and Asthma are often directly related to Digestive Problems
Ask yourself
  • Are you truly hungry?
  • Or do you eat because you are depressed, lonely, stressed, anxious, bored, tired, for simply for pleasure.
  • Or has food become a substitute for love.
Understanding What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You
  • If you are dying for some French fries, chips, pasta, cafe latte, diet coke, cheese, bread, chocolate or ice cream--what ever it may be--what does it mean?
  • Why would your body crave unhealthy food?
Anybody struggling with cravings?
  • Cravings are often a result of low blood sugar.
  • Bloodsugar--fuel for your cells.
  • The cells want just the right amount--Not too much and not too little.
  • Especially if your body is insulin resistant meaning the whole blood sugar regulation is not working optimally.
  • When you have low blood sugar your Cells are starving--they are desperate. "I want a donut or I'll die". Anything that can bring the blood sugar back up.
  • Cholecol from Standard Process can help
Fatty Food Cravings
  • Fatty foods like French fries, potato chips and ice cream--well, if you crave fatty food you may be lacking in essential fatty acids--healthy fats--omega 3 (salmon, walnuts, flax..) and omega 6 (nuts and seeds). Other healthy fats--olive oil, coconut oil (despite its bad reputation), raw butter, avocado.
Dealing with Cravings

Foods high in Zinc:

oysters, ginger root, egg yolk, lamb chops, split peas, steak, whole grains, nuts and seeds, esp. pumpkin seeds.

Sweet food cravings

Cravings for sweets and high carb food may also be your body's attempt of dealing with depression.When we eat carbs. like bread, pasta, cookies or sweets--> releases serotonin --feel good neurotransmitter--from storage sites. Problem--depletion--need to consume raw material--high quality protein and high quality fat--the raw material so that your body can make more serotonin.

Salt cravings
  • Salt cravings-- may be a result of being under a lot of stress. Your adrenals may be burned out (glands that produce stress hormones in our body--cortisol, they are also involved in blood sugar regulation), resulting in fatigue. Stress reducing activities and nourish the adrenals (supplements/nutrients).
Food Sensitivity Induced Cravings
  • I am not talking about the immediate onset allergies, but delayed food reactions to something you have eaten. Food sensitivities can cause bloating, tiredness, irritability, headaches, skin problems, diarrhea, achy joints, inflammation, and many are not aware of having food sensitivities because the reaction typically comes from two hours to two days after you have eaten the problem food.
Food addictions
  • Often we are addicted to these foods and they can temporarily make you feel better but it is a vicious cycle.
Different levels of eating healthy
Some simple action steps that you can do to begin eating healthy without spending a lot of extra money or time - all the way up to the max level of eating healthy.

In General no matter where you buy from The fresher and purer the better. Frozen is better than canned. Fresh is better than frozen.

The less on the list of ingredients the better.

Foods that are fine if they are NOT organic -

sweet peas
whole grains
Nuts and Seeds

Foods that should be organic

bell peppers
Dairy Products
Meat - unless you know it is from a good source - like grass fed beef. Local farmers who don't put tons of steroids in the cow to get it to grow quicker, and who don't feed them lost of grains and the cows that get lots of fresh air - A lot of beef is grain fed and not humanly raised.
Eggs - unless you know it is from a good source like above.

The different levels of eating healthy Some people think, it takes to long to read the labels

Yes, it will take a while the first time you do it, but next time you go to the store, just buy the same thing. No extra time.

First - read the Food labels:

The square black and white box with basic food information is garbage. It tells you pretty much nothing useful for healthy eating.
You must find where the written out list of actual ingredients are on the food. Produce will not have this list and it is all fine.
This list tells you what is actually in the food you are eating.

Shopping in a regular grocery store levels:

Read the fine print labels and avoid eating anything with added sugars. Or added sugars are at least the 4th ingredient on the list or lower. Added sugars are anything that rhymes with Gross - like sucrose, fructose, glucose, etc. and Corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup.
Avoid refined carbohydrates. Eat 100% whole grain breads, whole grain pasta's, whole grain (brown & wild) rice, whole grain cereals. - this is different than 100% wheat. 100% wheat is the type of grain. It still is not whole. It has to say whole otherwise it is not.
read the labels and avoid anything with added oils (unless you know it is not a hydrogenated oil - which almost all of them are in the regular section of the store) or other ingredients you cannot pronounce the name of.

Health food store or section levels:

The next level is buying food from the health food section of the grocery stores. If you just buy from this area, it will greatly make it easy to eat with out reading labels
apply the same rules as above to the health food section.
Then make all organic choices after applying the rules from above.
Then eat only Fresh from the health food section - no boxes or cans. (this one is really tough - I don't do this level yet even)

Some of the things you think you know that just aint so

Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels
Salt does NOT cause High Blood Pressure
Eating Fat does NOT make you fat
All refined carbohydrates are hazardous to you
Artificial sweeteners of all kinds are not good for you
All vitamins and supplements are NOT created equal
First, Eating Cholesterol does not increase your cholesterol levels

The Medical professions current way of thinking around cholesterol. They look and see lots of cholesterol in the blood. So they scratch their head and say, well, don't eat so much cholesterol then. If you eat less cholesterol, you will not have as much in your blood. Now, on the surface, it sounds good. But there are two major flaws with their theory. The first one. It doesn't work. I dare you to try and find someone whose cholesterol significantly went down by eating less cholesterol. You will be hard pressed to find someone. Even with medication.

That brings in my favorite definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result. This is what the medical profession has been doing for Years. Telling people to do the same thing, with out really getting results, expecting to get different results. It just doesn't work that way.

The Second flaw in their theory is this. The cholesterol in your blood is not the same cholesterol in the food you eat. Your body actually has to break down the cholesterol in the food you eat, and then absorb the pieces of the cholesterol.

Then your body, if it wants to, has to reassemble the pieces back into cholesterol you find in your blood. And your body does not make cholesterol, unless you need it.

The question is then why would you need cholesterol in your blood?

Cholesterol's primary job is to carry glucose (sugar) around the blood stream. You need an equal number of cholesterol units as you have sugar molecules in your blood.

So if you have 3000 sugar molecules in your blood, you need 3,000 cholesterol molecules to carry them. The actual numbers are much, much higher than this, but you get the point.

The more glucose or sugar molecules you have in your blood, the more cholesterol you need to carry them.

So what affects your blood sugar levels? Mostly what you eat. Refined Carbohydrates/Sugars. When you eat refined carbohydrates, they get digested and absorbed into the blood stream very quickly. Your body then very quickly converts the refined carbohydrates into glucose. This causes a spike in your blood glucose levels. And if you have a high amount of glucose in the blood, what do you need again? That is right; you need lots of cholesterol to carry those glucose guys around.

Your body is smart. It learns from the past. If you are constantly having high amounts of glucose because of the food you eat. Your body prepares for the next time that you eat refined carbohydrates. It prepares by having lots of cholesterol on reserves to deal with the certain increase in glucose levels that are inevitably going to happen.

So if you eat refined carbohydrates often (daily) your body prepares by keeping lost of cholesterol on reserve to deal with this. This is one of the biggest reasons why so many people have high cholesterol levels. Your body is smart, and it is preparing for the inevitable of your blood glucose levels going way up from eating refined carbohydrates.

Like I said, your body is smart. It is a very quick learner. If you quit eating food that makes your blood sugar levels high, your body will get rid of the excess of cholesterol levels in your blood. That is why, often with in weeks, your cholesterol levels drop significantly, often 50 or 100 or more points, when you quit eating refined carbohydrates.

Now, the trick comes with, what is "refined carbohydrates". Refined carbohydrates are things that are mostly calories from carbohydrates that have been refined from how they are found in nature including most sugars. Great, what does that mean? Things like breads, crackers, pastas, sugar (in most forms), and grains are refined carbohydrates.

To safely, significantly lower your cholesterol level with in weeks, quit eating refined carbohydrates. It is that simple. And again, don't take my word for it. Do it yourself, and measure your cholesterol levels before and after, and you will see for yourself. If you cut refined carbohydrates out completely, you will often notice the 50-100 point drops with in weeks. If you still eat refined carbohydrates, you will notice a decrease, but not as quickly. And the amount your cholesterol drops will be in direct proportion to how much refined carbohydrates you quit eating. The less you eat, the more it will drop. It really is that simple.


We use two detoxification and purification programs.

1. HVS Detoxosode
2. Standard Process
First off, How do you know if you are toxic or not? Simple, are you breathing, are you more than 5-10 years old, and have lived anywhere other than the top of a mountain? Then you are toxic.

No Seriously, how can you tell if Your Toxic? Look at your tongue. Get up and go look at your tongue in the mirror. If your tongue is anything but pink and "smooth" you are toxic. Many people will have the tops of their tongues be white, will have dimples on the sides of their tongue, and some will even have yellow or green on their tongues. And I am not talking about after eating some artificially flavored Sugared Candy either.

This is also the same way you can most easily tell if a detox program is working or not. When you first start a program often your tongue will get worse before it starts turning pink. Like if your tongue is white, it will get whiter before it starts turning pink.

The Biggest Detox Myth - You do NOT have to feel like crap to detoxify. Yes, many programs that cause the body to detox will make you feel like you were hit by a bus, it is not necessary to feel like this in order to detox. The feeling of detox is not the best thing to go buy. Your tongue is the best gauge of how your detoxification is going.

There are basically 3 different ways to Detox.
  • Fasting (or some combination with fasting)
  • Colonics
  • Specifically designed detox products
Fasting is the oldest and most traditional way of detoxing. It is even referenced in the Old Testament of the Bible, that is how old it is.

Now days there are Juice Fasts were you only drink fresh squeezed vegetable juice. The master Cleanse where you drink a concoction of Lemon Juice, Maple Syrup, Cayanne pepper and water, The apple juice cleanse, etc. They all involved drinking one substance and not eating any other food.

Fasting is very effective but can be difficult to actually do. Because many people have never detoxified before so it will often take weeks before they have completely detoxified. And fasting for weeks is not an easy thing. (I Know I have done it before) - You can also do it for like 3 days a month, month after month until your tongue is pink. You do not have to do it all at once.

In my educated opinion all fasting type detox plans are basically equally good. So then it is just a matter of what do you want to be your only "food" like substance to drink while you are fasting.

The substance itself you are drinking is not so important as long as it is not toxic itself.
So if you are going to do a fasting cleanse, pick a drink you like to drink, and do that one.

Colonics is the second way I talk about. Basically what it does is you get an enema daily. There are different things that people use for the actual enema solution, but the same general thing happens. You get the solution put into your large intestine, and not through drinking it either, and it cleans and scrubs your large intestine walls. You then pass all the garbage and toxins out. With a clean large intestine, it becomes very easy for your body to eliminate other toxins from your body. And so it often does so automatically.

This is often effective, but can be very uncomfortable for a lot of people. Not because of the procedure, but of what is happening with the procedure. And one way to look at it is that it is like going poop with someone else in the room. The sensations really are very similar to just that.

Detox Formulations: The Last way is through some specifically prepared formula designed to help stimulate the body to detox. There are some nutritional supplements, homeopathics, homeovidics & herbs designed to help stimulate the body to get rid of it's toxins.

Nutritional Supplements are usually combinations of High Doses of Vitamins that help support the body during your detox as well as stimulate your body to start detoxifing.

This is part of what the standard process program detoxification program uses.

Homeopathic. First, what is homeopathic mean. Homeopathic is literally water charged with the energy of the substance you are trying to get rid of.
Homeopathy was actually discovered by a sailor on a ship crossing the Atlantic ocean in the mid 1400's. One guy discovered (by accident) that when someone was sick, if he put their urine in a glass and rinsed it out 5 times, then put water in the glass and had them drink it, they would get better.

Well now with quantum physics we actually know what is happening. In simple terms, everything in the universe is energy. The thing in your body that is causing you to be sick has an energy. And when you put that energy into a glass, the water will pick up and start vibrating at that energy. This happens by the same principles of the water studies by Dr. Emoto in the movie what the bleep and his book, messages from water. If you put "love" (or anything) on a water bottle, it will actually change the structure of the water under a microscope to be similar to the words put on the water.

So when you put the energy of the substance that is making you sick into the water, and drink it, your body gets re-activiated to that presence and more quickly gets rid of that which is making you sick.

So you can prepare a homeopathic water like substance to also stimulate the body to the presence of toxins and get the body to eliminate those toxins.

Traditional homeopathy is a very hard science. Because you constantly have to be changing the "dose" of the homeopathic and the actual charge of the homeopathic constantly.

Herbs are similar to nutritional supplement formulations in how they work. They just use various herbs, which are nothing more than plants, mixed together in time proven ways that will stimulate the body to detoxify.

The only bad things with herbs are they taste really, really bad. Almost always. And I mean like plug your nose and you still almost want to throw up bad. Very effective, but often people cannot drink the herb mixture, and you actually have to drink the herbs to make this form of detoxification effective.

This is also part of the standard process purification system we use.

Homeovidics. The most effective and gentle on the body detox formulation I have found so far is the HVS Homeovidics. The HVS Homeovidics are like Homeopathies, but better. Unlike homeopathies where you have to keep going back for new "doses" and new types of homeopathic remedies, HVS actually realized they could put all the "doses" and types of substances to detoxify into one bottle. And your body was smart enough to recognize which substances you had and the body needed to get rid of. And which ones you didn't.

And the best part, there is almost never any "Bad detox feelings" when you are detoxing with HVS Labs Homeovidics Products. And you get continue to eat what you want, no special diets. And the substance is essentially tasteless colorless water.

So which Detox do you do? For most people we recommend the HVS Detox Protocol Pack.
This is included with any laser package.

Creators Manual

The Creator's Manual for Your Body

Michael R Guenzler D.C.

Best Price $14.00
or Buy New $14.95

Michael R Guenzler D.C.

The Creator's Manual for Your Body- Buy Now

Table of Contents

What is In the Book
> Chapter 2
The Four Biggest Myths in America
> Chapter 8
What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
> Chapter 9
Medicine is Not Scientific
> Chapter 18
Follow Your Inner Knowing

Michael R Guenzler D.C.


We used to do laser - and now do Laser-Like Lipo - and the results are just as good if not better, and it is safer. So there may be a place or two where "laser" is still used - but it is now laser-like.

Free Report and DVD on How the Laser-Like Lipo Works

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